From being that weird kid always buying, selling, and trading shoes in school to owner of Space City Collective. People alway thought that my passion for shoes at such a young age was strange but I knew there was market for it and here we are.
My passion for shoes began when I was in 5th grade when my mother bought me my first pair of AIR FORCE 1s. Even before then she had always been into the sneaker game coming up playing basketball at the collegiate level in Mexico. She always had an eye for heat. Gio and I were always close in shoe size (3 year age difference) so we would always share clothes and shoes for as long as I can remember (except for the exclusive lol).
I got let go from my 9 to 5 job about a year before I launched Space City Collective. I knew it was my time to follow my passion. and focus full time on Jiu-Jitsu and shoes. Two things I’ll forever love .
Being two Houston natives, Geo and I see shoes as a form of art , it’s our culture, and a way of life.
That’s how Space City Collective was born. Finally it all came to fruition year 2020, the craziest year of my life. But I’m here doing what I can for the sneaker and
Jiu-Jitsu community. Providing the best vintage and hype gear available!